Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Seegiriya Rock

Seegirriya was built by King Kashyapa. According to the legend, king Dathusens is the father of king Kashyapa. After king Kashyapa came to his young age he asked treasures from his father. But king Dathusena hadn’t any treasures. After heard that, Kashyapa got very angry & later he killed his father & took the throne. He had an elder brother named Moggalllana & he was the real inheriter to the throne. After King Kashyapa became the king Moggallana escaped to India in fear of his brother. After happened all of this things king Kashyapa thought one day his brother will come back & attack to him. So he decided to build this fantastic rock as his palace. That’s how seegiriya was created.
            It is not only a castle. It has beautiful pond, pleasure gardens & various other beautiful places to enjoy on the top of the rock. Seegiriya rock frescoes are the other major attraction. Modern engineers also wondered about this because it is still remaining for thousand years.  And the other attraction thing is statue of lion in the midway to the Seegiriya. If we want to enter to Seegiriya, We have to walk through the sinha’s (lion’s) Giriya (throat).  That’s how Seegiriya got its name. Seegiriya is a world heritage site & now it is proposed as the eight wonder of the world. So it is our duty to protect it for our future generation  

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